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In previous newsletters, we have discussed the first 2 steps on the journey to clear your limiting beliefs: Be aware and, the language of the heart.
Now we are ready to discover the 3rd and final step: Imagine
What does it mean to imagine?
It means to form a mental image of something which does not currently exist in your life. When you imagine, the brain attempts to simulate the responses that would be present if this situation actually occurred! Imagination can be very powerful, especially when you understand that your mind cannot tell the difference between what’s real or imagined and produces the exact same emotional response.
« Act as if you are, and you will become such »
- Leo Tolstoy
How can you use the power of imagination?
Use it when you want to reach a desired goal! Begin to imagine how you will look and feel when your wish comes true. Make sure you are clear and focused on what you want to manifest and stop paying attention to what you no longer want. In a relaxed state, create an image in your mind of all the details of your desired outcome. Picture yourself the way you like to be, hear yourself say “Victory is mine”. Feel exuberant, excited, truly believe that your projection is real! In my Fresh Start program, it’s called “ the Screening room” practice, a self-hypnosis step by step process that guides you on this victorious path.
In my twenties, I decided to move to America, I was shy, insecure, spoke very little English, and felt totally lost and overwhelmed in Manhattan. To deal with my stress I went on a “Bagel and brownie” diet which I don’t recommend you try! Not only did I gain 30 pounds in 6 months, but I also completely lost my Joie de Vivre!
I knew I could not live like this! I had to find a solution!
So, I went on a long quest, which led me to find my answers and my life purpose at the same time, lucky me! If you happen to be curious and want to know more ,I invite you to read my book“ Victim to Victorious”, a Fresh Start in 28 days!
I decided to stop complaining about being fat, and to start feeling worthy of looking fit! This was the start of my transformational journey. To reach my desired goal, I took myself into “the screening room”, and every day for 28 days, I pictured myself exactly the way I wanted to be and the way I used to look when I lived in France!
Within a month I had already lost 10 pounds and the rest of the weight loss happened while I was busy enjoying my life.
Today, I never worry about my weight, and I have maintained it the way I like! I tell you this because if I can do it, you can too and claim your victory!
Declare every day:
“To make my future real and victorious, I pursue it with all my heart and I keep my focus on the outcome”

Stay tuned for the next Victory news issue: The naked truth about your body.
Find more tips and techniques in my book Victim to Victorious:

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