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How to set up your New Year’s resolution for a Change
Every New Year’s Eve, millions of people make resolutions, and they wake up thinking “This year I am going to do things differently”. We all have an impulse for a new beginning. When trying to bring change about in our lives, however, most of us reach for the only tool we think we have: wilpower. We think it’s possible to force change upon ourselves through acts of will. Most often, unfortunately, we not only fall short of the finish line; but we actually lose ground.
Let’s look at dieting, for instance. Did you know that Americans spend 66 billion dollars annually on dieting and diet products? Research shows that 25 percent of American men and 45 percent of American women are now dieting; but sadly, only 5 percent will meet their weight loss and goals and maintain them.
How can we arrive at lasting change?
Change becomes possible only when we recognize that struggling willfully is a waste of time. We need instead to shift our focus; rebalance our emotions, engage the power of our imagination, and use kind words and inspiring thoughts. The key to change is to move away from pain and towards pleasure.
If your goals is to lose weight, the worst thing you can do is become obsessed with those extra pounds. That’s too painful and it only ends up reinforcing deeply entrenched negative attitudes. To be successful is to engage the power of belief, trusting that you can do it and that you are worthy of becoming the best version of yourself. Always remember that your mind does not know the difference between what’s real and what’s imagined, and it will make you feel exactly the same way!! That’s why it’s critical to watch what you wish for! You hold the magic wand.
Let me offer you a 3 step process for your successful lasting change.
Step 1: Ask Yourself: What does my habit do for me?
I know for some of you it may look like a ridiculous question and your first reaction may be to answer nothing, except that it’s stopping you from being happy and looking good!
I completely understand how you feel! But please keep an open mind and be totally honest with yourself.
For example, if overeating or bingeing are your patterns, it’s important to discover what purpose food serves in your life. Do you overeat on salty, crunchy foods when you feel frustrated or angry, or do you binge on sweet, creamy textures like ice cream or pudding when you feel lonely and want love? Honesty is the first step, and I promise it will liberate you and assist you in getting your desired outcome.
Please keep in mind that any habit you have developed over the years, even if you perceive it as being detrimental to your health or to your sense of wellbeing, exists to help you cope with your stress. I know it sounds bizarre, but in a way this habit is like having a best friend you can rely on, who is always available, and who will comfort you when you feel emotionally fragile and distressed.
Step 2: Ask Yourself: What habit do I want instead?
Be clear with your answer! “I don’t want to binge anymore and I want to be thin” is not a good enough answer!
You need to be specific: think of your mind as a computer, the most advanced computer you have ever possessed, and think of yourself as the creator of elaborate software that you will later upload into your subconscious mind.
This new software needs to contain all the detailed information about the “New You” with your new behavior. Be prepared and have a plan, so that you can be ready when you encounter a stress attack.
You see, for step 2 to be effective, you need to know what you will do specifically to comfort yourself instead of eating. Consider going on a walk, practicing meditation, or using breathing techniques or affirmations to help you successfully ride the “Crave Wave”.
Step 3: Believe and upload!
Now that the plan and software are complete, you are ready for the last step: Believe and upload!
Remember, a belief is just a thought you keep repeating and that you hold to be true. So ask yourself this critical question: Do I truly believe I can be successful? Can I picture myself the way I want to look and feel? Can I imagine my life being changed because of my transformation into the “New Me”?
This last step is the most challenging part of this whole process! Let me tell you why:
Our mind resists change! It considers it to be chaotic and messy due to the interruption of old patterns and the time it takes to arrive at the new destination. 28 days is necessary for a new neuro- pathway to be in place! That’s a long time for your mind and for you to feel steady on this new unknown mental track! This is why, to prevent self- sabotage during that time, I assist my clients by providing them with a 20 minute recording of their “New You” which they listen to faithfully every day, preferably at night before falling asleep to reprogram their minds (uploading the message into the subconscious mind) while enjoying a relaxing experience and connecting to a safe place within. This is the key to long lasting results.
« There is nothing so disobedient as an undisciplined mind. There is nothing so obedient as a disciplined mind »
- Buddha
Declare every day:
“I choose who I am becoming and I run towards it with conviction and consistent motion”
For the holiday season, I’m offering you a free 20 minute phone consultation and a special price for my program.
Stay tuned for my next newsletter: “What’s Your Number for the New Year?”
For more information on my 28 day Fresh Start program, visit my website: www.newlifedirections.com

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